Base size:420x420mm
Post Color:Fluorescent Orange
Product Description
- Delineator posts are made of flexible yet durable fluorescent low density polyethylene material, with UV inhibitors to minimize fading.
- Rubber base is made from 100% recycled rubber,and is easy storage.
- Convenient T-handle and molded in bolt hole for barricade lights,plastic chain, barricade tape or rope.
- Delineator posts are manufactured using state-of-the-art precision molding machines to produce consistent, high quality parts.
- Improved recesses create a deeper area for reflective bands - stronger ribs provide maximum band protection.
- Heavy duty base available in 6kg (standard) or 8kg (extra?heavy).
- Company name stenciling available.
Delineators are used to alert motorist, bicyclist and pedestrians to work areas, Parking lot traffic control, striping or resurfacing ,dangers and boundary limits in order to prevent accidents and protect workers.